Heard any great ideas lately?

Phillip Louis DAmato
2 min readNov 28, 2020

Ideas matter. There are great ideas.There are bad ideas. Every successful business was someone’s idea or brainchild. Conversely, every failed business was someone’s idea or brainchild. What’s the key factor in a great idea that successful and a bad idea that fails ?Tesla was an idea. Linkedin was an idea Pets.com was an idea.

Every idea is the result of a person’s thought process to solve a particular problem or issue. In the 21st century, the world is awash with problems that will need to be solved in our order for humanity to survive. At the end of the day, great ideas are humanity’s best way to solve the inexorable problems that occupy so much of our elected leaders’ time.

Ideas,beliefs,values and cultural norms, by influencing the behavioral responses of people who believe in them can create a society and influence historical events as likely as the mysteries of nature impacts the ecosystem of Earth. Further, great ideas can turn around a situation or society that is failing to reach their goals. Current labor laws and environmental regulations came about from concerned citizens and legislators who saw a problem and acted to address it.

Where do great ideas arise from? The subconscious mind? The conscious mind? The heart? Is there a certain part of human psyche that develops them? Where do bad ideas come from? So many questions with so few answers.

I believe that great ideas need a social and environmental construct in order to germinate and blossom. I believe that when people come together in groups to solve a problem ,it creates a collective consciousness that leads to great ideas. For example, the founders of the United States of America worked collectively to create the Constitution of the United States of America.

There are more historical events like this one in history. Great ideas also arise from visionary leaders and thinkers. Men like Aristotle, Jefferson, and Musk. Below is a great quote from Elon Musk.

The first step is to establish that something is possible;then probability will occur.

Where do you believe great ideas come from? Where did you turn turn when you need a great idea? I encourage you, dear reader, to share where you think great ideas arise from. If you enjoyed reading this article today ,please like and share with your colleagues on Linkedin.



Phillip Louis DAmato

I am a Registered cardiac sonographer and investor.I have worked in the field of echocardiography for 19 years.